
Exportia Lab: Are you ready to export to Europe? In this Exportia LAB, we are going to talk about the 7 key success factors to ensure a successful entry into the European market. September is a great month to start, all the Europeans are back from their summer break. Everyone is back to business. About Exportia: At Exportia, we are your [...]

Why You Need to Work with European Key Opinion Leaders

Introducing a new piece of technology into the European market can be difficult. It is part of our duty at Exportia to address the problems that come with bringing breakthrough technology produced by small and medium-sized businesses into the European market. In our experience, it is workable to lobby and change a local set of [...]

4 Tips for Managing your Distributors while Expanding in Europe

Now that you have activated your distributors by generating leads for them, by identifying your future sales champions for them, it’s time to manage them more closely. The objective is now to make sure that this partnership is working. For that, you need to manage them. The way you manage your distributors is first by establishing [...]

Activating your Distributor for a Successful European Expansion

In my experience working with small businesses, the most typical mistake after they pick a distributor, is that they believe the job is over. Activating distribution channels is one thing I help my clients with. By doing this, you are securing your distributor’s attention. Keep in mind distributors have other things to promote, and their [...]

How Engaging Your Distributors Helps with Your European Expansion

As a small business, you may not know how to approach distributors or partners, so engaging your distributors is key to the success of your exporting efforts. There are different ways to approach them, and one of them is when you attend trade shows or digital congresses. Directly contacting your selection of potential distributors is [...]

Profiling Your Distributors is the First Step to Success

I have worked with many small Australian businesses in high-tech industries, ranging from medical devices, biotechnology, clean technologies, ICT to electronics and advanced manufacturing during the past fifteen years. I noticed the common mistake they commit is hiring the first European distributor they come across when they decide to export. They believe hiring a distributor [...]

The Insider’s Guide To Doing Business in Europe

Our goal is to enable you to gain a better understanding of several things that will allow you to succeed in expanding your business into Europe and avoid the common pitfalls. With my 15 years of experience dealing with non-Europeans doing business in the European market, they often make mistakes when they enter too many [...]

The Exportia Method to a Successful Expansion in the European Market

Business expansion in the European Market is not a simple task. Depending on where you want to market your business, there are many factors to consider. You need more than being prepared and fully committed. You need a proven and tested method to be successful in Europe. There are four key factors we have proven [...]